Selasa, Agustus 26, 2014

How to Recover Seagate Central Data

Few weeks ago I purchased Seagate Central 4TB. My first intention was to store my movie collection so I can watch it wirelessly on my iOS devices and AppleTV. Since my movie collection only consume around 800GB of space, it still has a lot of room to store anything. So I decided to move all of my data from my conventional hard disk to Seagate Central.

It worked perfectly, until several days ago I can not locate this device on my Mac. I just realize that the led indicator kept blinking all the time. On my router, the led indicator for the device is turned off. So it means, the device was not connected to my local network.

My mistake was I moved almost of my data to this device. So the original data was removed from my previous storage. I have tried to recover the data using data recovery tools, but after taking several hours just to scan one partition and the result was nothing, I realize that recovering the data will be very difficult near to impossible.

I store my data on NTFS partition. And so far my data recovery tool was never failed when I mistakenly delete some content and want to recover it. I suspect the issue come from my Mac. NTFS partition is not supported natively by Mac OS X. It need third party driver to make it able to write and make some changes on the partition. I use Paragon NTFS, and perhaps this software use different approach when deleting some content compared with Windows which support NTFS partition natively.

OK, that’s another things. So right now, my problem is how I can get my data back? As you know, the device only has ethernet port as an interface to external system. So, I thought the only option to recover is how to read the hard disk directly by mounting it elsewhere. Actually, I could return the unit and got the replacement. But the problem is, I was not sure I would get by data back. I prefer to lose the warranty than loosing my data. So I decided to diassemble the unit, take the hard disk out, and trying to recover the data on my own way. To diassemble the unit, you can follow the instruction found on You Tube. (Warning, your warranty will be void if you diassemble the unit).

After some research on internet, I found a way to recover my data. As of this writing, I’m still copying my data back to my old hard disk.

Here it is. You will need:
  • An usable USB flash disk with at least 2GB in size.
  • Latest Ubuntu iso (in this tutorial, I’m using 14.04.1 32 bit version). You can download it here 
  • A PC with free SATA port for the Seagate Central hard disk
  • Another hard disk to recover the data
Based on several comments on this article, you can also use Paragon ExtFS for Windows which can be downloaded free here. This tools can read Linux partition including LVM. For those who are not familiar with Linux platform can use this tool.

So the plan is we will use Ubuntu Linux to recover the data. For your information, the Seagate Central hard disk is partitioned using ext filesystem which is supported natively by Linux. Why Ubuntu? Actually you can use any Linux distro, but in my opinion Ubuntu is easier and more friendly. Moreover, you can just boot Ubuntu using your USB flash disk without installing it on the hard drive.

Here we are:
  1. After you have prepared all the things we need, the first step is to create a bootable Ubuntu Installer on your USB flash disk. You can found the tutorial for creating Ubuntu bootable flash disk here (Windows) and here (Mac).
  2. Plug your Seagate Central hard disk and your secondary hard disk to your PC.
  3. Plug your USB flash disk containing USB installer to your PC and boot from it.
  4. Choose “Try Ubuntu” on the screen. For this recovery purpose, you don’t need to install the complete OS.
  5. Download fuseext2 package here. If you use 64bit version of Ubuntu, download the appropriate package. Let say you you have downloaded the deb package on your downloads folder.

    Why we need this package? Seagate Central hard disk presumably use lvm and has 64KB of block size which is not supported natively by most Linux distro. Common block size used on most Linux Distro is 4KB. So you need other package which can read the partition. (Actually I’m not Unix or Ubuntu expert, so my explanation could be incorrect. Yeah, if you don’t feel satisfied, just try to do some research on internet. Let see if we have same conclusion).
  6. Open Terminal application. Install fuseext2 package using following command (assume the deb package is on your Downloads folder):
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/fuseext2_0.4-1.1_i386.deb
    Selecting previously unselected package fuseext2.
    (Reading database ... 174162 files and directories currently installed.)
    Preparing to unpack .../fuseext2_0.4-1.1_i386.deb ...
    Unpacking fuseext2 (0.4-1.1) ...
    Setting up fuseext2 (0.4-1.1) ...
    Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
  7. After installing fuseext2 package, run sudo parted -l command to display all partitions:
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo parted -l

    Model: ATA WDC WD10EADS-11M (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 1000GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt

    Number  Start   End     Size   File system  Name  Flags
     1      1049kB  524GB   524GB  ntfs               msftdata
     2      524GB   1000GB  476GB  ntfs               msftdata

    Model: ATA ST4000DM000-1F21 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 4001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt

    Number  Start   End     Size    File system  Name                Flags
     1      1049kB  22.0MB  21.0MB  ext2         Kernel_1            msftdata
     2      22.0MB  43.0MB  21.0MB  ext2         Kernel_2            msftdata
     3      43.0MB  1117MB  1074MB  ext4         Root_File_System_1  msftdata
     4      1117MB  2190MB  1074MB  ext4         Root_File_System_2  msftdata
     5      2190MB  3264MB  1074MB  ext4         Config              msftdata
     6      3264MB  4338MB  1074MB               Swap
     7      4338MB  5412MB  1074MB  ext4         Update              msftdata
     8      5412MB  4001GB  3995GB               Data                lvm

    Model: Sony Storage Media (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdc: 3906MB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number  Start   End     Size    Type     File system  Flags
     1      32.8kB  1035MB  1035MB  primary               boot, hidden

    Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
    Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 3995GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: loop

    Number  Start  End     Size    File system  Flags
     1      0.00B  3995GB  3995GB  ext4

    You see that the Seagate Central data partition is stored on /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1. This information will be used on step 9 later
  8. Create a new folder as a mount point for your Seagate Central data partition:
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/seagate
  9. Mount the data partition into mount point above:
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate
  10. Now you have mounted Seagate Central data partition to /mnt/seagate. Congratulations. Now you can begin copying your data to your secondary hard disk.

You will need root access to copy the data on your Seagate Central private folder. Therefore, you can not use your default Nautilus to discover content on the private folder. In my case, I perform copying content using terminal (using root), instead of using Nautilus.

Some references:

181 komentar:

  1. I am going to try following the steps you've outlined. I have the exact same SeaGate drive and want to get the data off onto another hard drive. Here goes nothing...

  2. Thank you SO MUCH for providing this information. My sister owns one of these and the Ethernet adapter just stopped working. Pulled the data off of the drive per your instructions, which worked perfectly. BTW, fuseext2 is installable like any other software in Ubuntu; you have to activate the Universe repository, though. Many thanks!

    1. I had one of these die on me and using the info provided here, was able to retrieve my data. I just wanted to second what a lot of people here are saying: thank you so much for providing such a detailed walkthrough. It's nice when someone puts the time and effort to provide something that can help others in a disheartened situation. Cheers!

    2. You saved some valuable family photos... THANKS SO MUCH

  3. Thanks! You saved my day and all my data!
    Worked perfectly!!

  4. Hello I was trying to do this, but when I start Ubuntu it doesn't recognize my mouse or keyboard so I cant so anything else... any advice on that?

    1. Hmm.. it's weird, I never experienced this before. Have you tried using different USB port for your mouse and keyboard?

  5. I'm sorry, but where can I find the Seagate mount and how can I copy the data? I'm new to Ubuntu..

  6. Absolutely amazing - all is working and I am recovering pictures and home movies dating back to 2000 including my wedding and childrens first steps etc.

    Thank you so much!!

  7. Hi,

    Firstly, thanks for the post. Very Helpful.

    Quick question for you (as I am new to Linux). I have mounted the seagate drive to MNT/Seagate, but when I try to go into the mnt folder through the file system it says "loading" in the bottom right corner as has done so for about half an hour now.

    Is this normal, or have I done something wrong?



    1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

    2. Hi James,

      Sorry for my late reply. Are you using Nautilus? I suggest you use terminal/shell instead to copy the content. If you have any further problem, please contact me via email at

  8. Hi,

    thanks for the great post!
    I have a quite similar problem here. The LAN interface at my Seagate Business Storage 1-Bay NAS is broken and I want get backup the data from the 3TB HDD.
    So I have booted up Ubuntu Live and tried to mount the partition with fuseext2. That seems to work but when I switch into the folder where I mounted the partition to there is only the lost+found folder and a file (MEDIA_NAS) which is named like the "main" folder on the NAS. But I can't access or open that file!? Also the date of the last change is quite strange for that file (Nov. 2045).

    Any ideas what's wrong here?

    Thank you very much!!!

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o sync_read /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 ~/medianas
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: version:'0.4', fuse_version:'29' [main (fuse-ext2.c:331)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: enter [do_probe (do_probe.c:30)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: leave [do_probe (do_probe.c:55)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.device: /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 [main (fuse-ext2.c:358)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.mnt_point: /home/ubuntu/ofzw [main (fuse-ext2.c:359)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.volname: [main (fuse-ext2.c:360)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.options: ro,sync_read [main (fuse-ext2.c:361)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: parsed_options: sync_read,ro,fsname=/dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 [main (fuse-ext2.c:362)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: mounting read-only [main (fuse-ext2.c:378)]

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ cd ~/medianas
    bash: cd: /home/ubuntu/medianas: Permission denied

    --> switch to xterm as root

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo xterm

    root@ubuntu:~# cd medianas/
    root@ubuntu:~/medianas# ls -lah
    total 3,0T
    drwxr-xr-x 6 root root 64K Feb 14 2014 .
    drwxr-xr-x 17 ubuntu ubuntu 4,0K Feb 14 12:20 ..
    drwx------ 2 root root 128K Feb 25 2013 lost+found
    --w----rwt 28209 4526 48607 3,8E Nov 20 2045 MEDIA_NAS
    d-wxrws-wx 29259 45227 7611 8,9E Mai 15 2003 .recyclebin
    c-wSrwx-wt 11084 10457 10272 57, 67 Okt 6 2002 .uploads

    1. Hi Florian,

      I'm sorry, I have no idea here. It seems, Seagate Business Storage uses different files structure than Seagate Central. And Seagate does not provide any useful information related to it.

      Anyway, what is the filesize for the MEDIA_NAS file? I suspect, either the file is corrupted or perhaps it is an image file. So in order to read it you should mounted it to see the content.

    2. Thanks for you reply!
      Well after mounting the partition ls -lah executed in the mounted folder gives

      --w----rwt 28209 4526 48607 3,8E Nov 20 2045 MEDIA_NAS

      for the MEDIA_NAS file. The size is stated with 3.8E. The 'E' means EXA-Byte, but that's for sure not the right size for this file. See also:

    3. Hi Florian,
      Sorry for my late reply. Based on information you provided above, it seems the file is corrupted. I guess you need a more advanced tool to recover the data (data recovery tools). But honestly, I haven't tried any data recovery tools for ext filesystem.

  9. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  10. I had to install lvm2 package as an extra step to get this to work

    On ubuntu: "sudo apt-get install lvm2"

  11. I hooked my former Central using a SATA-USB bridge. I can see all of the readable (useless) partitions. I have installed the fuseext2 package and created a folder to mount the drive to. However, I don't know how to mount the "invisible" data partition from a USB connection. Is this possible?

    1. Also, I'm using a Linux Mint laptop, so no extra SATA port.

    2. Strike all that. I'm an idiot. When running the Parted list, I typed "-1" not "-l". I got an error. I thought the command was supposed to list the partitions on the slave drive, and it couldn't find a drive. Just a syntax error, I guess. (I'm not even sure SATA uses a master-slave setup.) Obviously has been a while since I've done this, and the last time I did it was in MS-DOS. Anyway, this process seems to have worked even through a USB connection. Not getting a while lot of feedback, other than the violently flashing LED on my USB bridge, but it appears a transfer is underway. Thank a bunch for the help!

    3. Sorry for my late reply. Glad if it works for you:)

  12. I placed the drive in an external case and then connected it with a usb. I cannot get it to mount. Is there another way?

    1. Hi Ryan,

      Do you able to read the partition using parted -l command? How large your Seagete Central Hard Disk? Is it 3TB or 4TB version? Some old external case has a limitation which can only detect 2TB hard disk.

    2. I'm working through this, and a couple of points that seem to apply:

      fuseext2 seems to run OK, but file operations are very slow. The filesystem on the drive seems to be an ext4 variant with block sizes that are too big for kernel-based access

      Yes, it's worth getting a recent external drive case. I certainly still see USB cases on eBay with the 2GB limit, but they also seem to be USB2. Chinese market? I do wonder if 2GB is plenty of risk for an external case. I'm using one of those USB3 adaptors made for a temporary test, but it seems to need USB3 on the computer.

  13. Well, first of all,BIG thanks to you. You are a start. This documents saved me this time. I had this 2nd replacement for my Seagate Central. First once I lost all my data as this article was not posted that time. This time, I am fortunate that I got this article and I mounted the volume and got my data back. Thanks again.

  14. I'm stuck where the drive is should be mounted to the seagate mount point.... Any suggestions? This is my 3rd Central drive to fail.... needless to say never buying from Seagate again. Please help!!! Thanks

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/seagate
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: version:'0.4', fuse_version:'29' [main (fuse-ext2.c:331)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: enter [do_probe (do_probe.c:30)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Error while trying to open /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 (rc=2133571364) [do_probe (do_probe.c:34)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Probe failed [main (fuse-ext2.c:347)]

    1. Hi Ryan,

      I'm not sure I can help you. But can you share the result of following command:
      sudo parted -l


  15. It worked!
    Thank you,

    Garth Davenport MS, Network+, A+

    1. Thank you Eko Budi Prasetyo!

      Here is how I did a data recovery from a Seagate Central 3TB that was accidently dropped from 3’ and could no longer be seen on the network (flashing green LED indictor).

      I used the following:

      16GB USB DataTraveler
      LinuxLive USB Creator 2.9.0
      Kali Linux 1.0.9a distro

      …I followed these steps:

      1. Create a Kali Linux Live distro on the USB drive using LinuxLive USB Creator.

      2. Connect the Seagate Central’s drive to the secondary SATA on PC.

      3. Insert the Kali Linux Live USB flash drive into PC and boot.

      4. Select Live from the menu. No need for persistence or install.

      5. Open the terminal and run “apt-get install fuseext2”. Multi OS FUSE module adds the ability to mount ext2 and ext3 file system devices (like the Seagate) with read write support.

      6. Run the “sudo parted –l” command to display all partitions:

      Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
      Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 2995GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
      Partition Table: loop

      The Seagate Central data partition was indeed stored in /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1.

      7. Create the new folder to mount the Seagate Central data partition:

      “sudo mkdir /mnt/Seagate”

      8. Mount the data partition:

      “sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate”

      9. In nautilus just cut and past the entire seagate folder from /mnt/seagate to the system hard drive (Don’t try to open the seagate folder in /mnt/ it will only lock up, just copy and paste the entire folder to the system drive, then it can be opened).

      10. Reboot to windows and access the seagate folder’s data from the system’s drive.

      Garth Davenport MS, Network+, A+

  16. Ok so I'm failing at the last step. After typing sudo parted -l I get this

    Model: ATA SAMSUNG SP2504C (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 250GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 32.3kB 1365MB 1365MB primary ntfs diag
    2 1365MB 250GB 249GB primary ntfs boot

    Model: ATA ST2000VM003-1CT1 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 2000GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
    2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
    3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
    4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
    5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
    6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
    7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB Update msftdata
    8 5412MB 2000GB 1995GB Data lvm

    Model: ATA Hitachi HDS72101 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdc: 1000GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 32.3kB 800GB 800GB primary ntfs
    2 800GB 1000GB 201GB extended
    6 800GB 998GB 199GB logical ext4
    5 998GB 1000GB 2009MB logical linux-swap(v1)

    I can see that I need to use /dev/sdb

    but when trying to mount I get this error

    sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/sdb /mnt/seagate
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: version:'0.4', fuse_version:'29' [main (fuse-ext2.c:331)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: enter [do_probe (do_probe.c:30)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Error while trying to open /dev/sdb (rc=2133571347) [do_probe (do_probe.c:34)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Probe failed [main (fuse-ext2.c:347)]

    Is there something obvious that I'm doing wrong?

    1. Hmm.. it's quite strange that the parted -l command does not show the lvm partition. At the bottom of the command result, it should display information such as below:

      Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
      Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 3995GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
      Partition Table: loop

      Number Start End Size File system Flags
      1 0.00B 3995GB 3995GB ext4

  17. When I use this command:
    sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate

    I get this error:
    Open_ext2 Error:2133571364

    I can see /dev/sdb8 when doing sudo fdisk -l

    NB: I am trying to recover data from a 2TB drive from a Seagate Central NAS which had ethernet port failure

    1. Can you post the result of: dmesg | tail
      after you try to mount the disk to /mnt/seagate?

  18. Download Paragon ExtFS for windows which is free for personal use (registration required).
    Once installed it will allow you to mount your drive and access the files in windows as normal.

    Easy and simple

    1. The paragon is all good and well for the public folder(s) but does not allow read access to the individual users private folders.... A little further specifics from the author on copying the data as root would be appreciated!

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. I to have a seagate central that has failed, the NIC card burned out, i used xubuntu and tore open the enclosure and put the drive in a linux box, i can see the drive but i cannot mount it, i have tried using gparted parted, as well as r linux which will not even start, I have abrand new seagate drive to dump my data to, but i cannot go any further, I am going to wipe out xubuntu and try your idea. I can see on terminal that the 3.2 TB data part of the drive is lvm2, however no matter what i do i cannot mount it

    I was thinking of just tearing the new enclosure open and mounting the drive, but i have no idea what will happen when i turn on the new enclosure, it may format the drive

    Ill report back!

    BTW it should be readily apparent everyone that trusting SEAGATE is a BAD IDEA, at least when it comes to these external time bombs!

  21. I would also recommend trying a program called r-linux (available for windows, freeware). Simply download and run and it will see the drives that the seagate create. You then run a scan on the Data partition (which will take around a day) and then you can recover your files.

  22. First thanks for such and useful article, I am also the victim of Seagate (2TB) ,i tried but step 7 (sudo parton -l) i am unable to see the mention message, instead its showing following error message:

    Error: /dev/sdd: unrecognised disk lable
    Model: ST2000VM 003 (SCSI)
    Disk /dev/sdd: 4142MB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: unkown
    Disk Flags:

    can any one pls. help here

  23. First excuse my English, I have carefully read each post, I unfortunately made the mistake of formatting my Seagate Central 2TB, after reading many forums and information about data recovery I've given aware that in some of the start of the whole operating system sector it is one of those partitions linux. so it only remains for me to ask any of you can provide me a picture hard to clone the mine and recover my central Seagate drive. I will be grateful

  24. followed all steps but i don't know how to copy my private folder data to my external hard disk. please mail me your google chat id or skype id so i can chat and copy my whole data in my private folder of Seagate central. please contact me on

  25. I've followed all the steps mentioned here and finally taught to copy 1 TB data so got an idea .. i transferred all the data through Filezilla to my PS3 with the help of FTP.. thanks again ... :)

  26. Thanks for posting the method - however as a Linux novice I was daunted by the steps involved - and saw other sites where the read had not been so effective.
    I went down a path of lesser resistance and bought a 2TB version (new but I missed 3 eBay deals before I got bored), stripped both my failing 3TB unit and the new one and swapped drives.
    Powered everything up and all the disk is now readable again - result!
    I cannot promise it will work for everyone but maybe it will help - especially if you can find a cheap 2nd hand drive

  27. Eko,

    Thanks for sharing the steps. I have a seagate central 3TB encountered similar issues. After trying the steps, the disk seems to be mounted to /mnt/seagate successfully. However, I tried to access /mnt/seagate in terminal or file manager, the system doesn't have response.

    Is there any other way to diagnostic? Thanks in advance.

  28. THANK YOU- you have saved my information with this article. Many thanks!

  29. I'm a complete Linux novice and have no idea what to do after I mount the drive.
    I can't see my folders or directories as I would expect to, and the drive itself appears to be in a number of particians. Can anyone help this goose?

  30. hi same problem here my seagate central 3tb down and i have prepare data recover i have followed all steps everything is ok but cant acces folder how can access my folder and files

    1. I need copy commands- or move commands folder and drive i think nautilus good but cant open because restricted i must backup my data :(

    2. Hi,

      To copy the data, you can use cp command using terminal with root access.

      To gain root access you can type sudo -s in the terminal.
      To list the content of the folder you can use ls /mnt/seagate/
      Let say the partition is already mounted on /mnt/seagate. And you have a directory named data1 on the partition. To copy the this directory to another location, let say /media/Data/ you can use this command cp -r /mnt/seagate/data1 /media/Data

      Hope this will help

    3. How can I create a directory on my USB HD external - Seagate FA GoFLex Desk to use the command above to copy.

      Model: ATA SAMSUNG SSD 830 (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sda: 128GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
      Partition Table: msdos

      Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
      1 1049kB 106MB 105MB primary ntfs boot

      Model: ATA ST4000DM000-1F21 (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sdb: 4001GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
      Partition Table: gpt

      Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
      1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
      2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
      3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
      4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
      5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
      6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
      7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
      8 5412MB 4001GB 3995GB Data lvm

      Model: ATA ST3250824AS (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sdc: 250GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
      Partition Table: msdos

      Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
      1 1049kB 250GB 250GB primary ntfs

      Model: Lexar USB Flash Drive (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sdd: 16.0GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
      Partition Table: msdos

      Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
      1 1106kB 16.0GB 16.0GB primary fat32 boot, lba

      Model: Seagate FA GoFlex Desk (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sde: 3001GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 4096B/4096B
      Partition Table: msdos

      Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
      1 258kB 3001GB 3001GB primary

      Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
      Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 3995GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
      Partition Table: loop

      Number Start End Size File system Flags
      1 0.00B 3995GB 3995GB ext4

      Thank you

    4. Hi,

      You can use mkdir command to create a new directory.
      Let say your Seagate FA GoFlex Desk is mounted on /media/Data/ and you want to create directory named Backup then the command should be: mkdir /media/Data/Backup

  31. I'm sorry, but where can I find the Seagate mount and how can I copy the data? I'm new to Ubuntu.. Please can you tell me, the step by step command ( as you have posted for mounting) for copying the data from seagate central to my new external WD hard drive connected through usb. My entire data is on the public folder of seagate central.

    1. Hi,
      Have you followed the step? Can you explain in which part/step you experience the problem?

    2. Hi,
      Thank you for your kind response.
      I am trying to recover my seagate central 4tb, which my computer windows10 was not able to recognize. I dismounted the hard drive from seagate central and mounted it on to a sata usb enclosure and connected it to my pc. I also connected a WD 4tb new external hard drive.
      I followed exactly as per commands and reached the final step of having mounted the seagate central with the command
      ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate.
      The WD 4tb was shown as
      Disk /dev/sdc: 4001Gb
      Please tell me the command prompts of how to copy the seagate central to my WD hard drive.
      Thanks in advance.

    3. Hi,
      Sorry for my late response.
      You can copy using cp command to your WD 4TB volume.
      Can you tell me what's the output of df command?
      It will display free spaces on each mounted volume. This is the example output:
      udev 1000016 8 1000008 1% /dev
      tmpfs 402816 628 402188 1% /run
      none 5120 0 5120 0% /run/lock
      none 1007032 0 1007032 0% /run/shm
      /dev/sdc1 86509952 68603844 13511612 84% /home

      In this example, /dev/sdc1 is mounted on /home. So let say your seagate volume is mounted on /mnt/seagate and you want to copy all files and directories to /home, the command will be: cp -r /mnt/seagate/* /home

    4. Hi,
      Everything went well upto mounting the seagate drive.
      Then when i typed
      ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ df
      ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo df

      Nothing happened after i pressed the enter button. The cursor just kept on blinking. No further response.
      Can you please guide me step by step.

    5. Hi,
      Anyway, do you have any whatsapp account or google account to chat with?
      Please email me at


  32. I am having issues running these steps. I have done up to step 7. My HD does not show up in the list. It does not seem to be spinning when connected with my esata to usb cable or with an enclosure and usb cable, but when i plug it into the original Seagate Central chassis the HD spins.

  33. If anyone needs to perform the same recovery using Windows platform, I wrote up a step by step.

    Based on Windows 10, but should work for Windows 7 & 8

    Your post was a tremendous help and set me on the correct path. I thankyou for taking the time to write this up.

    1. Scott, with your process are you able to recover the folder structure or just the files?


    2. This link does not work?

  34. Hi, i was up to the last step of mounting the seagate drive... terminal shows some error message below. Maybe this is the reason I can't browse the mounted drive? i'm a zero-linux user so i have really no idea what i'm doing and just following the steps you shared. Any help will be appreciated. tia!

    Model: ST3000DM 003-1F216N (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 3001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
    2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
    3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
    4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
    5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
    6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
    7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
    8 5412MB 3001GB 2995GB Data lvm

    Error: Both the primary and backup GPT tables are corrupt. Try making a fresh
    table, and using Parted's rescue feature to recover partitions.

    Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
    Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 2995GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: loop

    Number Start End Size File system Flags
    1 0.00B 2995GB 2995GB ext4

  35. Hi can you recover deleted files from the seagate central 4tb unit. I accidently deleted the wrong folder in windows 8 and it is gone but ofcourse cant pick it up in recovery software. If i try the linux way on a amd system witht eh fuseext for amd i cant get it to work. thanks in advance

  36. Like everyone else I am attempting to recover data from my Seagate Central 3TB. I have all the steps complete, but the last step does not result in anything fruitful. Here is what I have so far.

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo parted -l
    Model: ATA ST3000DM003-1F21 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 3001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
    2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
    3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
    4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
    5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
    6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
    7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
    8 5412MB 3001GB 2995GB Data lvm

    Model: SanDisk Cruzer Edge (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 8004MB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 31.7kB 7998MB 7998MB primary fat32 boot

    Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
    Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 2995GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: loop
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Flags
    1 0.00B 2995GB 2995GB ext4

    Warning: Unable to open /dev/sr0 read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sr0
    has been opened read-only.
    Error: /dev/sr0: unrecognised disk label
    Model: TSSTcorp CD/DVDW SH-S182M (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sr0: 575kB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 2048B/2048B
    Partition Table: unknown
    Disk Flags:

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mkdir /mnt/seagate
    mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/seagate’: File exists
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: version:'0.4', fuse_version:'29' [main (fuse-ext2.c:331)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: enter [do_probe (do_probe.c:30)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: leave [do_probe (do_probe.c:55)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.device: /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 [main (fuse-ext2.c:358)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.mnt_point: /mnt/seagate [main (fuse-ext2.c:359)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.volname: Data [main (fuse-ext2.c:360)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: opts.options: ro,allow_other [main (fuse-ext2.c:361)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: parsed_options: allow_other,ro,fsname=/dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 [main (fuse-ext2.c:362)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: mounting read-only [main (fuse-ext2.c:378)]

    I go to the Seagate MNT folder and I get a small loading message in the bottom right corner. Any ideas? All of the data I'm looking to retrieve was in the public folder. Nothing important in the private folders. I have dabbled in terminal and ubuntu but I am far from being competent.

    1. Hi James,

      Try copying using root via terminal.
      Run sudo -s command and enter the password.
      After that you can follow instruction from the comment below to copy the content using terminal

  37. This is a great article. If I knew how to do this before, I'd not be cursing and stomping on my previous NAS drives :)

    Just for the Ubuntu Terminal ignorants like me, the copying command cp -r works peculiarly.

    If your source folders are more than 1 word (e.g. Installation Files) you need to have it in brackets (i.e. "Installation Files")

    In brief:

    root@ubuntu: cp -r /mnt/seagate/"Installation Files" /media/ubuntu/"Seagate Backup Plus Drive"

    in this case "Installation Files" is your source folder on the mounted drive, and "Seagate Backup Plus Drive" is your target folder.

    Also, any device you plug (be it a USB drive or a USB external hard drive) it is named as /media/ubuntu/whatever.

    In the example above Seagate Backup Plus Drive is my external hard drive that I used to transfer files from the perfectly fine Seagate Central hard disk taken out of the stupid encasing box with a dumb ethernet board. What a joke! Seagate should better only sell hard drives not network attached storages!!!

    1. thx for your reply. i am linux ig'nant or should i say sudo -l /ig'nant and i had the same issue as you. for the past half hour i was trying to mount a usb external drive to no avail. thanx again for posting. u helped me out.


  38. For further reading please refer to

  39. I am not able to find my seagate central when i do a sudo parted -l. It does not seem to be spinning when connected with the sata to usb cable, but when i plug it into the original Seagate Central chassis the HD spins. Any help is really appreciated.

  40. I was able to get through the majority using Linux Mint 17, up until I got a similar sudo parted -l error as someone above:

    Warning: Unable to open /dev/sr1 read-write (Read-only file system). /dev/sr1
    has been opened read-only.
    Error: Invalid partition table - recursive partition on /dev/sr1.

    Rather than try and mount it anyway as it would stray from the instructions here, some hunting found other Seagate Central forum users might have possible success with a program called "R-linux". I installed the .deb that was recommended, and sure enough it worked perfect. No working strictly through terminal, windowed interface, free, and I highly advise for novices. Never even had to stop my current live cd session with this page up. Just installed and BAM easy peasy! Very pleased. Thank you all for your help!

  41. i have connected my 4tb HD with ubantu system and follow all above mention step but after that i am getting error

    Warning: Error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda1: Input/output error

  42. what does it mean and i will get my data or not?? data is important for me

  43. Hi,

    I placed my seagate central 4TB in a old HDD case and connected it by usb to my laptop. My Backup HDD is a INTENSO 4TB. When I start my parted -l, following I get: "Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!"

    What should I do? thx

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo parted -l
    Model: ATA WDC WD3200BEVT-0 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 320GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 1049kB 42.9GB 42.9GB primary ntfs diag
    2 42.9GB 163GB 120GB primary ntfs boot
    3 163GB 316GB 154GB primary ntfs
    4 316GB 320GB 3706MB primary ntfs diag

    Model: USB DISK 3.0 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 31.6GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 4194kB 31.6GB 31.6GB primary fat32 boot, lba

    Model: Intenso USB 3.0 device (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdc: 4001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 4096B/4096B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 1049kB 4001GB 4001GB primary lba

    Error: Can't have a partition outside the disk!

    1. Hi,

      I'm not sure I can help you. But have you tried to connect the seagate HDD directly to PC directly without a case? If I'm not wrong, some old HDD case does not support hard disk with >2TB size.

    2. I have this exact same problem, connecting without a case doesn't help, the issue is the 'partition outside the disk' message.

      Does anyone know what to do?

  44. I had a Seagate Central 4T NAS recently experience the dreaded 'flashing green light of death'. I tried the Kali and ubuntu USB methods above, but couldn't quite completely get all the processes to come together to access my Seagate NAS drive.
    In the end I gave up on the Linux methods and simply downloaded Paragon ExtFS for Windows and mounted the drive in Windows (10) and then could see the contents of the drive and navigate around and either pick and choose want I wanted to get off it, or copy across the lot. So easy using ExtFS for Windows! (and it's free!)
    Highly recommended!

    1. I can read the disk now!

      I can open the HDD in one level. when I try to open or copy a map on the second level (example: public map of the seagate HDD where my files are stored)
      Then windows 10 blockades and gives a blue screen with an error:

      bad pool caller


      unexpected kernel mode trap

      I tried this on 2 laptops: windows 10 and windows 10 pro but it has the same error.... :(

  45. I can read the disk now!

    I can open the HDD in one level. when I try to open or copy a map on the second level (example: public map of the seagate HDD where my files are stored)
    Then windows 10 blockades and gives a blue screen with an error:

    bad pool caller


    unexpected kernel mode trap

    I tried this on 2 laptops: windows 10 and windows 10 pro but it has the same error.... :(

  46. Paragon ExtFS worked great for me on Win7. Ran Paragon ExtFS, mounted drive, opened Win Explorer and copied/pasted all the folders. Folder structure maintained and could access folders that had been PW protected on Seagate Central. Thanks!

    1. Thank you for this information. I have a Win 10 OS. Will be trying Paragon ExtFS software to recover my HDD.

  47. Anybody have acronis image of seagate central? Or know how to put original seagate software on new blank drive?

  48. I get:
    Model: ST2000VM 003-1CT164 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 2000GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
    2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
    3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
    4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
    5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
    6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
    7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
    8 5412MB 2000GB 1995GB Data lvm

    But if I address the disk as /dev/sdb I just get an error returned:
    "fuseext2: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory"

    How do I specify the disk and partition 8 so it's understood? Thanks for any advice.
    - Scott in Toronto

    1. Since it's an LVM partition you need to figure out where the logical volume is being mounted.

      Run lsblk and you should get an output similar to

      sdd 8:48 0 2.7T 0 disk
      ├─sdd1 8:49 0 20M 0 part
      ├─sdd2 8:50 0 20M 0 part
      ├─sdd3 8:51 0 1G 0 part
      ├─sdd4 8:52 0 1G 0 part
      ├─sdd5 8:53 0 1G 0 part
      ├─sdd6 8:54 0 8K 0 part
      ├─sdd7 8:55 0 1G 0 part
      └─sdd8 8:56 0 2.7T 0 part
      └─vg1-lv1 254:0 0 2.7T 0 lvm

      In this case sdd8 is the physical partition, but the logical partition is /dev/vg1/lv1

      Yours might be different.

      Try using that device with fuseext2. In my case in arch I do:

      sudo fuse-ext2 /dev/vg1/lv1 /mnt/mountfolder

      You probably don't run fuse-ext2, you probably run fuseext2

  49. Hi Eko,

    Thanks for your article. Being a Linux novice I was struggling to get the data recovered (could see the drive and mount it, but data transfer seemed to always hang).

    Reading through the comments left I saw the post about using Paragon ExtFS. I found this simple to install and was able to recover my data.

    Given many people unfortunate enough to have purchased a Seagate drive enclosure will have no knowledge of Linux, it might be worth adding information on this way of recovering data to the main article (given the high failure rate of the enclosures).

    I'm sure many Windows users would undertake the recovery if they knew it only needed the drive to be plugged into their PC and some drivers downloaded.

    Thanks again.

    1. Hi JD,

      Thanks for your suggestion. I will update my blog post to use Paragon ExtFS as an alternative solution.

  50. Hi,

    Thanks for posting this blog. I'm hoping you can help me too. When my Central died, I had split it so there were two drives: one for media and one for work. If I recall correctly, they both were 2 Gb.

    Here's my terminal output:
    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ sudo parted -l
    Model: ATA WDC WD5000AAKS-7 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 1049kB 106MB 105MB primary ntfs boot
    2 106MB 500GB 500GB primary

    Model: ATA WDC WD5000AAKS-7 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 500GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 1049kB 186GB 186GB primary ntfs
    2 186GB 500GB 315GB primary

    Model: General UDisk (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdc: 15.9GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: loop

    Number Start End Size File system Flags
    1 0.00B 15.9GB 15.9GB fat32

    Model: ST4000DM 000-1F2168 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sde: 4001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
    2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
    3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
    4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
    5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
    6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
    7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
    8 5412MB 4001GB 3995GB Data lvm

    ubuntu@ubuntu:~/Downloads$ sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/sde /mnt/seagate/
    Open_ext2 Error:2133571347

    dmesg | tail
    [ 308.197271] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] CDB:
    [ 308.197272] Read(16): 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 48 08 00 00 00 08 00 00
    [ 308.197278] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sde, sector 83976
    [ 333.165355] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] FAILED Result: hostbyte=DID_OK driverbyte=DRIVER_SENSE
    [ 333.165359] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]
    [ 333.165361] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] Add. Sense: Peripheral device write fault
    [ 333.165362] sd 8:0:0:0: [sde] CDB:
    [ 333.165363] Read(16): 88 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 48 08 00 00 00 08 00 00
    [ 333.165369] blk_update_request: I/O error, dev sde, sector 83976
    [ 333.165372] Buffer I/O error on dev sde3, logical block 1, async page read

    Is there any hope left?

    1. I should also mention I am using one of those All in 1 HDD Docking bays.

      The back of the device says:
      Input 100-240V , 50/60 Hz, 1.5A

      The original power supply died so I am using the power supply from the Central which is rated:
      Output 12V 2.0A

  51. You saved my data! Thank you so much for this wonderfully detailed and extremely helpful post. Seagate will never darken my door again, but if you are ever in Texas, look me up and I'll buy you a beverage of your choice, or even a whole meal, or maybe 10!

  52. Thanks a lot for the article. However it didn't work for me. I tried the step by step guide, but got stuck at step 9. Command given in step 9 kept running for more than 24 hours, but never mounted the data.

    On another forum I found that Paragon ExtFS worked for some people, so I thought of giving it a shot. After I installed Paragon on windows, and restarted my system, I could see the data partition. I am still in the process of copying the data.

  53. Thanks for the tip about Paragon's ExtFS for Windows. I too can confirm it works well. Very disappointing my Seagate Central died after just 2 years. Using this Paragon software made it easy to mount the drive in Windows and give read access to copy my files to another drive.

  54. Hi - thanks for the top tip on Pargaon. After doing this I get 7 additional drives in Windows 10. Where do I find my actual files in those drives? Any help gratefully appreciated - as I don't recognise those directory structures. THanks

  55. Hi, I really want to thank you for this detailed documentation to recover the files. It really saved us alot of data!!!

    I need your advise. When I am copying from /mnt/seagate to my external drive, I getting a lot of error:
    cp: cannot stat '/mnt/seagate/[directory]': Input/output error

    How can I fix this? Kindly help.

    Thank you

  56. after data recovery. How can ı reformat my seagate central and start it again

  57. Hi Eko - great post! Quick question, if I may. Using fuseext2, I am copying data out of a msftdata partition onto another drive in an Ubuntu 16.04 system. (I7, 16GB RAM, HDDs 6Gb/s transfer rate) It is going very slowly. JPG files of average size 1.8MB take on average 8m and 22s per file to copy. Is this normal? Thanks, Phil

  58. I tried differed with programmes and laptops (vista and 10) to mount my external HDD.
    But I always get a blue screen with : “bad_pool_caller” :-(
    Can someone help me plz?

  59. Losing important data due to such mishap with hard drive really a panic moment. I too encounter same situation but thanks to Data Recovery Software using which i able to recover them.

  60. I also have face the data loss situation which is very annoying because you lost all your precious data which you collect after so long time. But finally i have found a solution. To know more click here

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  62. Thank you for this detailed writeup on recovering the data from the Segate Central.
    But before I can get down to doing this, has anyone figured out why the ethernet port stops working? My lan port has also stopped working after a period of 2 years. Is there no way that this can be repaired ? From what I gather is the HDD is good as the data is recoverable but the LAN port is dead. Isn't this repairable ?
    Also wanted to know what is the best casing that will work for my 4TB drive for converting it from SATA drive to a USB drive ? Any links to the Amazon will highly helpful.

  63. HI all, this is an incredible post. I have never used Linux in my life but was able to follow the step by step instructions. THANK YOU!
    However I am stuck at the point in terminal where it says "mounting read only" or something like that.

    What do I do next? Help please!! THANKS

    1. I think it's just fine, because you only need to read the partition and copy the content to somewhere else. If I'm not wrong, it is possible to mount the partition not as read only mode, but it's not recommended

  64. Used maragon to mount and then Windows Explorer to recover my media. THANK YOU so much.

    Seagate your rubbish at making something more difficult than it needed to be.

    I had a 2TB Seagate Central. Bought Knowhow cloud for £90 for 5 years works flawlessly.

  65. sir when i gave the command sudo parted-1 I get this

    Error: The backup GPT table is not at the end of the disk, as it should be.
    This might mean that another operating system believes the disk is smaller.
    Fix, by moving the backup to the end (and removing the old backup)?

    pls tell me what to do too confused n thx...

  66. Ive tried the ExtFS and I am getting weird errors while copying some of the files.

    Use DiskInternals Linux reader. Free and very easy to use.


  67. Hi, I have a MAC. Could I recover my SG Central data using a MAC?

    1. Do you mean a Macbook? Yes of course. You can boot Live Ubuntu using USB Flash Disk. But you will need a hard disk enclosure and connect it via USB port. The other consideration is the read speed performance. The read speed will be slower than directly connect the hard disk into SATA port.

  68. You really saved this hardware fail from being a complete nightmare. Thanks. I think I own you a beer or something. :-)

    Anyway, you are the Hero of the Day.

    FYI, in going to a more robust NAS I am keeping the lessons of this adventure in mind. I'll be using Raid 1 with no encryption so the disks are still readable if the controller unit dies. I know that is not the most efficient in terms of speed or storage but it will still be more than sufficient for my needs. Raid 1 gives me protection if a drive fails, and the ability to read the Linux partition on Ubuntu gives me protection if the unit fails.

  69. I am using Paragon ExtFS for MAC and have connected my Seagate 4TB HDD via USB to SATA adapter. The drive mounts fine and I can navigate through the folder structure and can see the Public folders but I cannot find any of my media (video, audio, time machine backups). Has anyone experienced this problem and if so how did you get around it?

  70. I need your advise. When I am copying from /mnt/seagate to other internal Hard Drive drive, I getting error:
    cp:invalid option -- '/'

  71. Thank you so much! I followed your advice in the update part of your post and used the Paragon ExtFS software to mount my drive and retrieve all the data. Seagate wanted $600US to do the same thing. Glad I found your tutorial here instead. You saved all my data and my pocketbook!

  72. I also have a Seagate 2b where the ethernet port (or similar) is not working. I have managed to mount the drive in windows using Paragon ExtFS (thanks all for the tips) and can see the data in the 'public' folder, but cannot access the folder that was password protected on the NAS. Any advice appreciated. Thanks.

  73. Hello, had a problem with my 4TB Seagate Central, contacted support and after a couple of emails they finally phoned back and asked if they could help talk me through a fix.
    Unfortunately I had found this page and was well on the way, having destroyed the case, getting my data off.
    Seagate did try which was nice. Just me not waiting long enough maybe??
    Even better, this page was wonderful, thanks. Got my data all sorted.

  74. Hello! I have about a 2 year old 3TB Seagate Central that is now throwing the flashing green light and will not mount. The caveat for me... I'm on a Mac. I have read through these instructions in the blog. I was hoping I could throw this drive in an external case (non-Seagate... something from Newegg) and connect to it to retrieve my data. I don't want to pay Seagate a dime for a recovering my work files (a TON) of them on their crappy device. Sigh. It appears that from a post above I can use something called Live Ubuntu? Are there instructions for this? I saw your warning that the speeds would be slower in that enclosure via USB port... but man... it can't be any slower than this drive was wirelessly on my network! ;) Any tips you can provide would be GREATLY appreciated!

    1. Hi.. Thanks for visiting my blog,
      You're lucky that your seagate can last for more than 2 years, while mine only last few weeks.
      Anyway, you can follow instruction from here to install Live Ubuntu on Mac. The transfer speed will depend on your USB port speed on your Mac & enclosure. For USB 2.0, based on my experience, the transfer speed is around 20-30MB/s and it should be faster if your Mac & enclosure support USB 3.0. That's why I recommend that you should use PC (if you have) and connect the drive directly to SATA port. It much faster than USB 2.0 and USB 3.0.

      Hope this will help you

    2. Thank you! I opted against the enclosure and decided instead on a NewerTech Universal Drive Adapter from I'm not sure the enclosure is worth it for a drive I will likely never use again. The adapter is USB 3.0 compatible... as is my MacBook Pro... so that's good. I don't have a PC... but like I said before... the Seagate was pretty slow on the network. Anytime I've plugged in a USB connected drive to the machine... it's felt lightning fast in comparison to the wireless network drive.

      I have bookmarked this blog and your link above to come back to once I've got the adapter/cables in-hand. I'm hating Seagate right now. Funny how an experience like this makes you think less about convenience and portability and more about RAID-ready options. HA! I'll have to figure out the next storage option that won't leave me in a situation like this again. Fingers CROSSED I can see the data when the cables arrive! Thank you again for your help and for your blog!

  75. Thanks for this post, I found it very useful. I was able to retrieve all my files on my 4TB NAS after the NIC was damaged by power fluctuation due to lightning.

  76. Thank you very much for this guide. I have successfully recovered my files from the Seagate Central disk.

  77. Thank you, this worked in centos 7. Needed to install fuseext2 which required its own repo but it worked.

  78. Awesome blog! For some reason in terminal it can’t find my downloaded file fuseext2 file? Is that normal? It’s in my downloads section. Thanks again.

  79. Found the file but it just won’t download...ugh Macs

  80. I am getting ready to embark on this endeavor to get my seagate central files back. I have a Surface pro 4 so cant plug directly into my computer. I got a sabrent drive enclosure off amazon today to plug into my USB and downloaded the Paragon application. When i fire up the drive in the enclosure it sounds normal like i'd expect a drive to, spinning etc. windows even makes the sound like something new is plugged in, but makes the sound randomly like something is getting plugged and unplugged sporadically. under devices in in windows the sabrent shows up and under hardware within the sabrent it indicates that a USB mass storage device is present. The paragon software gives me the message "unfortunately no volumes have been found" very unfortunate indeed. so not sure where to go from here. I am getting a USB splitter so can plug in more than one drive and complete a transfer. I have a question into the paragon people to see if they can offer any help on their program. after that i guess i will try the ubunto Linux method or try to get a new Seagate central box with working Ethernet port to plug the drive into. any pointers would be appreciated. btw i have never used Linux before nor done any computer programing, is there hope for me?


  81. If anyone purchased a second seagate just to get the data off, i would be interested in buying this from you (minus the drive, dont need it) the only question is are all these old seagate central drives of the same format or would i need the exact model to plug my drive into?

  82. Almost 4 years later, resolved this exact same problem (using Paragon ExtFS for Windows and a SATA/USB adaptor on Windows 10) with this very simple process. Thanks!

  83. I can't express my gratitude for this post. Worked perfectly. I managed to recover all my files from my Seagate Central. Many, many, many thanks!!!! Very easy to follow despite my lack of linux knowledge.

  84. Another 2 comments:

    1) I used "sudo cp -r -p -v /mnt/seagate /media/ubuntu/[Name of Drive]" to copy all files maintaining all properties. Worked like a charm

    2) When I'd finished copying everything and just before formatting the drive to use it in Windows I plugged it back into the NAS board. AND IT STARTED WORKING AGAIN!!!! I couldn't believe it. I'd waited 2 weeks of trials before deciding to dissasemble and go for the recovery routine. Anyway, just thought I'd let you know in case you decide to do the same.

    Again, many many thanks to author of post.

  85. Great post, my Seagate NAS was appearing on the network but I couldn't access it. Then it stopped appearing at all.

    Tore it apart and used the paragon software. Unlike the experience of other users, I could access the private folder and the public folder.

    From what I have seen Paragon did update this software recently, maybe that made a difference.

    It was a doddle to do, install and whip the files off.

  86. Hi just wanted to say i used this technique to recover the data from my seagate cloud drive. many thank to the author of this post

  87. Hello. I somehow have lost the entire contents of PUBLIC folder on my Seagate Storage Central 4 TB NAS.

    Of course PUBLIC had a lot of important files which I want to recover; however, I can not even get to the dashboard or whatever Seagate calls it to attempt a recovery

    how can I get back contents of PUBLIC folder? thank you

  88. P.S. other folders are still intact - the drive was 100% full - so I was trying to transfer some folders to make space - and contents of PUBLIC was 'deleted' - i.e. nothing shows - however the drive still only has ~16GB which is what I had moved to another drive, from another folder and then deleted the 16Gb folder from the other folder - NOT PUBLIC - then when I checked PUBLIC it has no contents - thank you in advance - P.S. using Mac

  89. only has 16 GB free space after I deleted the folder I transferred that had 16 GB in it and which I deleted from other folder NOT PUBLIC I meant to say above - sorry for such sketchy description - I have not written to NAS by the way -

  90. Is it also possible to remove the HD from the Seagate Central and than insert it directly into a NAS (e.g.

    I saw a video on Youtube and this looks like the most easy option when you are considering buying a NAS after the Seagate Central can't be reached anymore.

  91. Can anyone suggest what kind of SATA/USB Adapter or Bridge I need to use for connecting the removed hard drive to the PC running ubuntu?

  92. Hi, I am currently running the "Try Ubuntu" from a USB drive. I'm running Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS 64-bit and I installed the 64-bit version of fuseext2 and I enabled the "Universe Repository" as others suggested.

    Unfortunately, when I type:

    sudo parted -l

    I get this:

    Model: ATA Samsung SSD 850 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 500GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 473MB 472MB ntfs Basic data partition hidden, diag
    2 473MB 577MB 104MB fat32 EFI system partition boot, esp
    3 577MB 593MB 16.8MB Microsoft reserved partition msftres
    4 593MB 500GB 500GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata

    Error: /dev/sdb: unrecognised disk label
    Model: ATA ST4000DX000-1C51 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 4001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: unknown
    Disk Flags:

    Model: ATA WDC WD40E31X-00H (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdc: 4001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 17.4kB 134MB 134MB Microsoft reserved partition msftres
    2 135MB 4001GB 4001GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata

    Model: ATA ST8000DM004-2CX1 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdd: 8002GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 17.4kB 134MB 134MB Microsoft reserved partition msftres
    2 135MB 8002GB 8001GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata

    Model: ATA ST4000DX001-1CE1 (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sde: 4001GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 17.4kB 134MB 134MB Microsoft reserved partition msftres
    2 135MB 4001GB 4001GB ntfs Basic data partition msftdata

    Model: Samsung Flash Drive FIT (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdk: 128GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 1049kB 128GB 128GB primary fat32 boot, lba


    Where the 4TB Seagate Central drive shows as "unrecognized disk label". Typing "sudo -s" first makes no difference.

    I also tried finding "Paragon ExtFS for Windows", but it wasn't available for download so instead tried their "Linux File Systems for Windows", but that couldn't read the partition either.

    Is there anything else I can try? I'd hate to do this, but what if I bought a second Seagate Central 4TB and tried putting the drive in? Would that work? Or would it format the drive? Naturally, I'd clone the partition first, but copying the files over the Ethernet is so slow it would literally take weeks to recover the data that way.

  93. Hey Guys

    I have tried this but the only problem is that when I recover I lose the names of all the files (its mainly movies I have) or am I doing something wrong?

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  95. Hello, thanks for this great post. Everything worked wonderfully.
    It just seems like I do not have access to /mnt/seagate.
    I have read all the answers, but found nothing similar.
    The command lsblk shows me the mountpoint. But if I type ls /mnt/seagate nothing happens. Even with the command ls nothing happens.
    Why could that be?
    Thank you for your answer

  96. Everything OK. I started over again and could now copy the data. I probably made a mistake before. Many Thanks!

  97. shiv@shiv-VirtualBox:~$ sudo parted -l
    Model: ATA VBOX HARDDISK (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sda: 15.0GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: msdos
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size Type File system Flags
    1 1049kB 15.0GB 15.0GB primary ext4 boot

    Error: Invalid argument during seek for read on /dev/sdb
    Retry/Ignore/Cancel? i
    Error: The backup GPT table is corrupt, but the primary appears OK, so that
    will be used.
    OK/Cancel? ok
    Model: Mass Storage Device (scsi)
    Disk /dev/sdb: 2000GB
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/512B
    Partition Table: gpt
    Disk Flags:

    Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
    1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
    2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
    3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
    4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
    5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
    6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
    7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
    8 5412MB 2000GB 1995GB Data lvm

  98. Have you lost your valuable data and searching for the best and free data recovery software then you can download the Stellar Free Data Recovery Software and recover your lost data easily.

  99. Even 5 years later: thank you for this great article, it saved my day and data :-)

    My cegate central NAS network interface failed, the NAS was no longer accessable through the LAN network. After reading this article i managed to access my data on the segate hard drive under usage of a LogiLink 'USB2.0 to IDE/SATA Adapter' directly connected to the drive, using Ubuntu 19.04 from an USB stick.

    Only sticking point was the fact, that any access to the file system other than through the command line crashed the connection to the segate hard drive, so that i was forced to only use linux 'cp' on the command line to read my data back from the hard drive. But this worked successfully, so that i could finally get back the data.

    Good luck for everyone that will make this experience and find this wonderfull article here :-)

  100. Thank you so much, it worked for me.

  101. I know this is quite an old post now so I suspect I've have missed the boat so to speak but...
    I have followed the instruction and found I have an issue. I've read all the comments and I don't see anyone having a similar issue.

    When I run Sudo Parted -l, I get the following returned for the central drive....

    fuse-umfuse-ext2: version:'0.4', fuse_version:'29' [main (fuse-ext2.c:331)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: enter [do_probe (do_probe.c:30)]

    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Error while trying to open /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 (rc=5) [do_probe (do_probe.c:34)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Probe failed [main (fuse-ext2.c:347)]

    it doesnt quite match the expected from above.

    If i the n run sudo fuseext2 -o ro -o allow_other /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 /mnt/seagate

    I get the following response..

    fuse-umfuse-ext2: version:'0.4', fuse_version:'29' [main (fuse-ext2.c:331)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: enter [do_probe (do_probe.c:30)]

    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Error while trying to open /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1 (rc=5) [do_probe (do_probe.c:34)]
    fuse-umfuse-ext2: Probe failed [main (fuse-ext2.c:347)]

    Would any one have any ideas on this.

    PS i am new to linux
    Thanks Baz

    1. Sorry when I run parted -l this is actually what is returned...

      Error: /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: unrecognised disk label
      Model: Linux device-mapper (linear) (dm)
      Disk /dev/mapper/vg1-lv1: 3995GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
      Partition Table: unknown
      Disk Flags:

      Warning: Not all of the space available to /dev/sdh appears to be used, you can
      fix the GPT to use all of the space (an extra 4294967296 blocks) or continue
      with the current setting?
      Fix/Ignore? i
      Model: ATA ST4000DM000-1F21 (scsi)
      Disk /dev/sdh: 4001GB
      Sector size (logical/physical): 512B/4096B
      Partition Table: gpt
      Disk Flags:

      Number Start End Size File system Name Flags
      1 1049kB 22.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_1 msftdata
      2 22.0MB 43.0MB 21.0MB ext2 Kernel_2 msftdata
      3 43.0MB 1117MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_1 msftdata
      4 1117MB 2190MB 1074MB ext4 Root_File_System_2 msftdata
      5 2190MB 3264MB 1074MB ext4 Config msftdata
      6 3264MB 4338MB 1074MB Swap
      7 4338MB 5412MB 1074MB ext4 Update msftdata
      8 5412MB 4001GB 3995GB Data lvm

  102. thanks for the review, it help me to restore the data.
    Salam, i'm from Indonesia also. jadi sekarang masih pake NAS or skrg prefer using cloud dari google or yg lain ? Kecewa juga yah sama kualitas LAN Portnya seperti ini

    1. Salam kenal. Iya, ini produknya sepertinya banyak yang defect di portnya. Pas awal2 dulu suka panas pas dipegang. Dan ketika rusak, curiganya dari portnya yang bermasalah. Mungkin build qualitynya didesain tidak terlalu bagus mengingat harganya juga lumayan miring kalau dibandingkan produk NAS yang lain.

      Sekarang saya masih pakai NAS (Synology), walaupun lebih mahal tapi lebih proper. Hardisknya pakai bekas Seagate Central. Alhamdulillah 6 tahun dipakai masih oke.

      Btw saya juga pakai layanan cloud sebagai cadangan. Data-data personal seperti foto yang ukurannya besar saya sinkronisasikan dari NAS ke cloud.

    2. Thanks for the recommendation..I will try to reuse the hardisk later. stay healthy and safe and also have a blessed Ramadhan.. :)

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  106. I had seagate central 2TB, after some time he deleted user accounts himself and I lost all data. I only had movies there so it wasn't a problem. The second time the disk crashed, it totally died. I have an old 4TB hard disk and I am happy to put it into the seagate central case for testing, can you send me a copy of your seagate system partitions, I think partitions 1 to 5 are enough. Thanks. My mail

  107. Hi there. I have a Seagate STCG2000100 but unfortunetly my hard drive died a few days ago (head is clicking).

    As dominip I need a copy of the of the begining of the disk, containing the partition table and the file systems.

    I tried recreating the partition table and partitions with the information in the post and use the firmware available on Seagate's website but I got stuck with a GREEN led blinking and no Network connection.

    Can anyone help me out?

    Thanks in advance.

    1. An update for who needs this.

      Using the information from this post (partition tables) and the firmware provided by Seagate I was able to install a new HD on the Central.

      The blinking green light was due to the fact that newer mkfs.ext4 is not compatible with older mkfs.ext4 so I had to disable two features (metadata_csum and has_journal). After that the Central booted normally as a new device.

      Had to use a USB-Serial converter to check for errors on the booting process.

      Hope that information is helpfull to someone.

  108. I think others have said; Well done for sharing your success.
    The only, real, problem I encountered was the last "fuseext2......." command and I just restarted and had a couple of tries and suddenly, in it went.

    I used my Ubuntu 20.04 PC and and used “apt-get” to install Fuseext2.

    You should be able to use Nautilus as root by launching it from a terminal session with " sudo nautilus" but when I tried I could not see the LVM partition?? I restorted to using the "cp" command from a terminal session as, I think, you did.

    At this time it is copying files and directories from the “defective” seagate drive onto a backup disk.

    This is the second Seagate Central that has failed on me but they are many years old and I guess from chatting to Seagate support they are now EOL, “End of Life”.
    Flashing Green Led of Death!

    I this case the HD seems OK and I am getting it all off, the previous unit, the HD was damaged so I lost a little!!!
    With your help, this has been a lot easier.

    I now plan to make my own Raspberry Pi NAS and leave behind the Seagate solutions.

    Thank You again.

  109. halo bg Eko, sy udah coba sampai install fuseext2, tapi hdd saya masi blom terbaca. hdd saya punya dari seagate personal cloud, apakah prosedur nya sama?

    1. Seagate personal cloud ini beda lagi produknya dengan seagate central ya? Ini aku juga nggak bisa bantu banyak karena HDD bekas seagate central udah dipakai di NAS lain.

      Kalau agak ribet pakai Linux mungkin bisa dicoba produk ExtFS yang buat Windows. Jujur aku belum pernah coba, cuma waktu itu ada yang kena masalah juga dan bisa terbaca pakai aplikasi tersebut.

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