Rabu, Februari 27, 2008

What a nice day

I had no idea when suddenly one instance of Putty closed itself while it was running a script started from yesterday afternoon. I tried to settle this mess by reopening another Putty and later reran the script. Nice.. If this script ran as I had expected, then it would be completely finished tomorrow. I hope everything would be alright tomorrow.

Then, it came to me an appointment I had scheduled. There was a CP complaining about its sending mechanism of content. They suspected it came from connection between CP and our server. So, I asked them to arrange a meeting an find where the problem was came from. Later, we found the problem from the CP itself. Fiuhh.. It took about two hours to find where the problem was came from. I supposed this should be settled earlier only if didn't get flu. It's a little bit hard to concentrate and focus while my eyes were wet and my head felt heavy and dizzy.

For almost two hours later, I couldn't focus to my task. Finally, on 2pm, I recalled I had to finish something I had postponed. At that time, I simply couldn't even think clearly. In my hesitation whether I could pass through this day or not, I managed to think and act positively. I won't surrender before trying. Amazingly, I could finish it all on time. Here, positive thinking could encourage me to do more though I didn't believe I could do so.

It was a nice day. I wanted to feel happy but it too difficult to control and perceive a kind of emotion. It's like I became emotionless while I was sick. I got some lessons, about how I had to think positively and encourage myself to achieve my goal. Really nice day..

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